300-Hour Advanced Embodiment YTT in Somatic-Energetic Yoga Therapy - Begins July 29, 2024
Mon, Jul 29
|Online & at MYI Calgary, AB
Applications are now open!

Time & Location
Jul 29, 2024, 9:00 a.m. MDT – Jun 05, 2025, 12:00 p.m. MDT
Online & at MYI Calgary, AB
About the event
This advanced 300-hour training provides yoga teachers with their RYT500 or RY800 designation through the Canadian Yoga Alliance. Focused on somatic-energetic therapy, this training is one of three modules in the 800-hour Yoga Therapist program. The curriculum for this program has been designed for yoga teachers, somatic therapists, counselors, coaches, and healers.
Immerse yourself in the study of Yoga Therapy that supports the Somatic Energetic health and expression of the body, through the lens of the Pranamayakosha. This training includes certification in Ayurvedic studies and energy work, with the focus of this training on how we work with the trauma connection between the physical and energetic bodies through the myofascial tension patterns held within the body. Using somatic yoga as our tool, we thoroughly explore how to repattern the body and release held tension through static and dynamic movement, breath, meditation, mantra, and mudra.
Most of this training occurs online between September 2024 and June 2025 and is currently slotted to occur on Thursday mornings from 10 am to 12 pm MST. ***We will confirm the best day of the week for this group in March of 2024. You are encouraged to share with us the best day of the week for your participation. The time of 10 am to 12 pm MST is fixed, however, this module is offered on alternating years in the evening. We will offer this module in 2025/2026 with an evening option from 6 pm to 8 pm MST. ***
Time Zone Conversion: 10 am MST to 12 pm MST
Paris, Amsterdam, Barcelona & Rome, 6 pm to 8 pm CET
London, 5 pm to 7 pm GMT
Eastern Canada, 1 pm to 3 pm EST
Western Canada, 9 am to 11 am PST
There is one required in-person module held every July. This module is held the week following the in-person module for the Somatic-Emotional Training, allowing students who fly into Calgary from further away to attend both modules concurrently.
The 5-Day in-person module occurs this year from July 29 to August 2, 2024. This date is confirmed. Full Syllabus is provided at the end of this section.
300-Hour Advanced Embodiment Yoga Teacher Training in Somatic-Energetic Yoga Therapy
Somatic-Ayurvedic Energy- & Breathwork (5-day In-Person - July 29 to August 2, 2024)
Ayurvedic Somatic Psychology Foundations (Online - Sep 12 to Oct 10, 2024)
Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Myofascial Meridians (Online - Oct 17 to Dec 19, 2024 )
Myofascial Tools and Skills for Yoga Therapists (Online - Jan 9 to Mar 13, 2025)
Somatic-Energetic Tools and Skills for Yoga Therapists (Online - April 3 to June 55, 2025)
In addition to online learning, students are provided with Mandorla's online learning platform that allows you to complete training hours on your own time. Students are also expected to participate in group studies on a weekly basis. Students arrange this on their own time. A strong internet connection and access to a personal computer are needed for completing this program.
This program includes an application interview. Should it be determined after the interview that we are not the best possible fit, any funds that have been dispersed will be fully refunded to you. Students have 14 days after the time of registration to withdraw from the program with a full refund.
Tuition for this training is $3750, plus GST. Students may pay in full at the time of registration or may request to pay their tuition in two installments of $1875 plus GST. Mandorla Yoga Institute does not offer payment plans for programs that include online training, however, as an accredited school, you may utilize funds from RESP and RRSP accounts and your tuition is tax refundable at year-end.
The 300-Hour Advanced Embodiment Yoga Teacher Training in Somatic-Energetic Yoga Therapy is one of three modules in the 800-Hour Embodiment Yoga Therapist Program. As a stand-alone training, graduates will earn a 300-hour certification in Advanced Embodiment Yoga; 200-Hour Yoga Teachers may take this training to build on to their existing training hours, providing them with the RYT500 designation, those already having a 500-Hour designation, earn their RYT800 with the Canadian Yoga Alliance. Graduates may only use the terms 'Yoga Therapist' or 'Somatic Yoga Therapist' upon completion of the full Yoga Therapist training via the remaining 2 modules which are the 300-hour Advanced Embodiment YTT in Somatic-Emotional Yoga Therapy, and the 200-Hour Mentoring Practicum
If your intention is to continue studies in the 800-hour program, you can expect tuition of $3750 for the other 300-hour module and tuition of $3750 for your mentored practicum. All funds are plus GST.
July 29, 2024 - August 2, 2024, IN-PERSON MODULE AT MYI IN CALGARY, AB
Somatic-Ayurvedic Energy and Breathwork (50-hour) ~ 35 in-person study hours over a 5-day of training with an additional 15 home practice hours
This is a 5-day training that is offered in person with senior teachers and course creators, Mandi Mack, Certified-IAYT Yoga Therapist, and Stefani Wilton, C-IAYT, creator of Somatic Yoga Therapy. This program introduces you to the foundations of Ayurvedic energy work (marma therapy) and provides advanced tools for assessment and balancing using asana and pranayama. This module invites the exploration of how to use somatic yoga therapy in support of the nervous system and the energy body for the unlocking of the tension patterns that are held in the body, as well as how to implement somatic yoga therapy for the re-patterning of the SOMA.
Daily Schedule:
9 am to 12:30 pm Somatic Yoga Therapy (Focus on asana, pranayama, mudra, and mantra)
- Morning Somatic Energetic Practice (asana, pranayama)
- Journaling, Reflection, and Dyad work
- Assessing and supporting the breath and the mind with supported pranayama, mantra, and mudra
12:30 pm to 1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm to 5 pm Ayurvedic Energywork (Marma Therapy)
- Demonstration
- Dyad work
Day 1: Samana Vayu, Assessing the Breath and the Kidney Loop
Day 2: Apana Vayu and the Foot and Shin Loops
Day 3: Prana Vayu and the Shoulder Loop
Day 4: Udana Vayu and the Neck Loop
Day 5: Vyana Vayu and the Thigh and Pelvic Loops
TEXTS: Ayurvedic Manual (provided), Somatic Energetic Tools and Skills Manual (provided), The Power of Breath by Swami Saradananda
Ayurvedic Somatic Psychology Foundations (50 hours) ~ 20 live online class hours, 10 small group practice hours, 20 self-study hours
September 12 to October 10, 2024 (5 weeks)
Thursday mornings from 10 am - 12 pm MST (ONLINE)
This course explores the foundations of Ayurvedic and Somatic Psychology, providing a framework for navigating meaningful group and 1:1 work. Inviting you to take a deeper look at yourself and those triggers that can provide opportunities for growth, this module gives insight into the Eastern understanding of the body/mind and those tools that we can utilize for profound client sessions.
Texts: Ayurveda and the Mind by Dr. David Frawley, Healing Depression the Mind Body Way by Nancy Liebler and Sandra Moss
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Supporting the Myofascial Meridians (70 hours) ~ 20 hours live, 40 self-study hours, 10 small group practice hours
October 17 to December 19, 2024 (10 weeks)
Thursday mornings from 10 am to 12 pm MST (ONLINE)
This course explores the somatic experience of the energy body by inviting you to look at the body and how it is held in different spaces through the lens of the pranamayakosha. Informed by Myofascial studies, Viniyoga, Yin Yoga, and Meridian theory from Traditional Chinese Medicine, this course looks at tools including subtle and sensation-based, static and dynamic as a method for beginning to recognize holding patterns in the body, how to begin the process of transforming these patterns and how to invite the body to inhabit its new embodied shape. Participants will learn about the Meridians in relation to the energetic body and how working with certain regions of the body can invite transformational intentions.
Week 1 - First Class - Intro with Dr. Erin & Wood, Liver Meridian
Week 2 - Wood, Gallbladder Meridian
Week 3 - Fire, Heart/small intestine
Week 4 - Fire, Pericardium/Triple Warmer
Week 5 - Earth, Spleen
Week 6 - Earth, Stomach
Week 7 - Metal, Lung
Week 8 - Metal, Large intestine
Week 9 - Water, Kidney
Week 10 - Water, Bladder
40 hours of Self-Study ~ Allocated for watching the Meridian course videos (20 hours) and reading readings from texts below (20 hours)
10 hours of small group practice work
Texts: Yin Yoga by Bernie Clark, Yin Yoga Therapy and Mental Health by Tracey Meyers, Psy.D., Meridian Yoga Manual (provided), Yoga Skills for Therapists by Amy Weintraub
Myofascial Tools and Skills for Yoga Therapists (65 hours) ~ 20 hours live, 35 hours self-study, and 10 hours small group work
Jan 9 to March 13, 2025 (10 weeks)
Thursday mornings from 10 am to 12 pm MST
This module looks at the connection between the physical and energetic layers of the body with a deep exploration of how to use the tools of somatic yoga therapy to assess and repattern the held myofascial tension patterns within the body through supported and active movement within Asana.
Week 1 - Viniyoga Principles of Adaptation (Layering onto Acu-yoga principles)
Weeks 2 - The art of seeing (bony landmarks and aligning the bones)
Weeks 3 & 4 - The Deep Front Line & Working with Acute Pain/Trauma
Weeks 5 & 6 - The Spiral Line & Working with Sub-Acute Pain
Week 7 - The Lateral Line & Working with Chronic Pain
Week 8 - The Superficial Back Line
Week 9 - The Superficial Front Line
Week 10 - The Arm Lines
35 hours of Self-Study ~ allocated for the study of Viniyoga, Embodiment Yoga, and myofascial videos - organized into weekly explorations
10 hours of small group work
Texts: Myofascial Tools and Skills for Yoga Therapists Manual (provided), Yoga for Wellness by Gary Kraftsow
Somatic Energetic Yoga Therapy, Online Sessions (65-hour ) ~ 20 hours online with 35 hours of self-study and 10 hours of small group work
April 3 to June 5, 2025
Thursday mornings from 10 am to 12 pm MST (ONLINE)
This module explores how to use somatic yoga therapy through the lens of the Pranamayakosha, the energetic body. Providing an exploration of how to work somatically with the traditional yoga therapy tools of pranayama, mantra, mudra, and bandha, we explore the chakra system and vayu pathways and create a framework for the in-person session where we look at the body and breath in greater detail with the application of hands-on techniques.
Weeks 1 & 2: Muladhara Chakra & Apana Vayu
- Earth Element Practice weaved with pranayama, mantra, and mudra for the Muladhara chakra and inviting the apana vayu
- History of Somatics
- Somatic Energetic Yoga Therapy Overview
- Prithivi - The Earth Element & the Anamayakosha
Weeks 3 & 4: Svadisthana Chakra
- Water Element Practice
- Jala - The Water Element & the Manomayakosha
- Somatic Chakra Therapy - Unblocking Stuck Energy
Weeks 5 & 6: Manipura Chakra & Samana Vayu
- Fire Element Practice
- Tejas - The Fire Element & the Manomayakosha
- Skills for Somatic Energetic Yoga Therapy
Weeks 7 & 8: Anahata Chakra & Vyana Vayu
- Vayu - The Air Element & the Pranamayakosha
- Pranayama as a Tool for Healing
- From Yoga Skills for Therapists, read 'Breathing Practices for Anxiety' pp. 52 to 74 and 'Mood Elevating Breath Practices' pp. 75 to 95
Week 9: Vishuddha Chakra & Udana Vayu
- From Yoga Skills for Therapists, read 'The Yoga of Sound' pp. 96 to 112
- Mantra as a Tool for Healing
Week 10: Ajna Chakra, Sahasrara & Prana Vayu
- Akasha - The Ether Element & the Vijnanamayakosha & Anandamayakosha
- Mudra as a Tool for Healing
- Bandha as a Tool for Healing
- From Yoga Skills for Yoga Therapists read 'Mudras for Managing Mood' pp. 113 to 131
TEXTS: Eastern Body Western Mind by Anodea Judith, Somatic Energetic Yoga Therapy Manual, Yoga Skills for Therapists by Amy Weintraub, The Art of Somatic Coaching by Richard Strozzi
To ensure quality training, only a small number of students are accepted into this program each year. Should we not be able to accommodate you in the 2024/2025 offering, we may offer to place you into the 2025/2026 session. Once accepted into the program, you may choose to pay your tuition of $3750 + GST in full or to utilize a payment plan. All tuition payments must be completed 2 weeks before the program start date. Students are given 14 days to withdraw with a full refund after registration.
CA$0.00Sale endedWaitlist
Please add me to the 2025 waitlist for this training.
CA$0.00Sale ended