200-hour Trauma-informed
Somatic Embodiment Yoga Teacher Training

The 200 HR SEYT Training is the pre-requisite training for our 875 HR Somatic Yoga Therapist Training. Individuals who have their 200 HR designation may apply to take our 75 HR Somatic Yoga Therapy Bridge Program. To inquire, email our ytt director at info@mandorlayoga.com.
Training Calendar
International Hybrid/Online + In-Person
Somatic Embodiment Immersion Options:
Calgary, AB - March 31 - April 4, 2025 (9 am to 3 pm MST Daily)
ONLINE - April 21 - 25, 2025 (9 am to 3 pm MST Daily)
Embodied Practice, Online/Self-Study
ONLINE - April 11, 18, and 25; May 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, 2025
10 am to 12 pm MST | 6 pm to 8 pm CET (Attend Live or Watch Recording)
>>> Includes full access to the Somatic Embodiment Practice Library, the 230-page Somatic Embodiment Yoga Teacher Training Manual, and 8 Community classes, which include guided group practice, mentoring, Q & A, and connection
Embodied Teaching, Live Online + Online/Self-Study
Online classes run from 9 am to 2 pm MST | 5 pm to 10 pm CET
>>> Embodied Anatomy - the energetics of alignment - June 6, 2025
>>> Somatic Yoga Sequencing - June 13, 2025
>>> Embodied Teaching - June 20, 2025
>>> Teach 5 Somatic Embodiment Yoga Classes
"Somewhere in the gentle space between where movement and stillness meet, lies a peaceful experience of being at home in your body and at ease in your breath. This is the experience of Embodiment, the purest liberation that happens here and now and IN your body. When you allow yourself to express and move and rest, you are set free to live your life from a place of beautiful flow and spaciousness."
- Stefani Wilton, creator of Somatic Embodiment Yoga
This training is a calling back to the feminine wisdom of the heart and a reclamation of our voices as female-identifying humans . . . as women. It is a declaration that within the quiet voice lies strength and within stillness lies the most powerful of energies. It is a calling back to your RIGHT to be here, to MOVE, to DANCE, to SING, and to EXPRESS. This is a celebration of the beautiful power that exists when the feminine gathers. This training is about reclaiming your body as a space where you feel SAFE, as a space where you FEEL, ALLOW, and EMOTE. In yogic understanding, the brain is not your place of wisdom. Wisdom lies in the deepest of spaces with the heart, the CITTA. This training is your invitation to come home to this space of KNOWING, FEELING, and TRUSTING YOUR INTUITION.
This program is a weaving of the arts of Ayurveda, Somatic Movement, Yoga Therapy, Heart Wisdom, and Feminine Yoga Philosophy with the practices of Adaptive Vinyasa (Viniyoga), Restorative Yoga, Breathwork, and Meditation. This is a foundational program that gifts you with the wisdom of Somatic Yoga Therapy so that you can heal yourself. Instead of traditional learning, this is an embodied journey through inspiring body-based experiences. With a deep dive into Earth Element tools for grounding, listening to the body, learning the language of your body, and working with the nervous system to restore regulation; this program introduces you to the principles of yoga therapy from the very start, so that you may become a student of your own body through the lens of Somatic Yoga Therapy.
This beautiful training is for those who feel ready to step into self-discovery and personal evolution which prepares you to share the gift of Trauma-informed Somatic Yoga and Somatic Rest with others in a profound and meaningful way. By dancing between experiencing and applying the knowledge, we intend to support you in deepening your own embodied practice and in becoming a teacher of presence and substance.
This training program is recommended as a preparatory course for those intending to apply to the Somatic Yoga Therapist Training. Still, anyone with a sincere desire to delve into the study of Somatic Yoga is welcome to join. Upon graduation, you will earn the designation of 'Somatic Embodiment Yoga Teacher' and may refer to yourself as a trauma-informed teacher.
What we explore in Somatic Embodiment Yoga Training...
Supporting the natural rhythms of the body with Ayurvedic asana
Supporting deep rest through the practice of Restorative Yoga
Adaptive Techniques for Embodied Teaching with Applications in Functional Anatomy
Supporting nervous system dysregulation with yogic sensory modulating tools
Developing an understanding of somatic sequencing and how to facilitate embodied experiences for yourself and your future students
Supporting the emotions and the mind with feminine yoga philosophy reflections and foundational meditation and breathwork
Providing compassionate touch and hands-on assists to further deepen the practice
Embodied Teaching Skills for facilitating trauma-informed classes
An Introduction to Somatic Meditation, Pranayama, Mudra, and Mantra

Accreditation for Graduates
Graduates of our professional programs are provided with the T2202a form for educational tax reimbursement and RESP/RRSP eligibility for tuition payment.
Graduates may register with the Yoga Alliance and the Canadian Yoga Alliance as a Registered Yoga Teacher at the 200-Hour level and receive practice insurance.
Graduates may receive continuing education credits for use with the following professional regulatory bodies: National Health Practitioners of Canada, Namasta, and Yoga Alliance.

See our Graduates page to hear from our graduates and how this training supported their personal and professional growth. View our Testimonials page to read more from graduates of this program.

Tuition Information
As a government-accredited school, tuition is tax deductible for our Canadian students. You may also use RRSP withdrawal to pay for your tuition. We offer an equitable scale for tuition for this program, as we hope to make this training accessible to all who need this work.